Notice Board

We are back to our usual schedule! See below for all information

Welcome to our little Cafe with a big Heart!

Term time:

Our Community Cafe welcomes everyone on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings, we are small but very friendly, and love dogs too!

Our menu includes light snacks, hot and cold drinks, home made cakes - all at very affordable prices

Our youth club sessions vary each day - Tuesday and Thursday is for young people able to come and go by themselves, age 10+ (no adults other than our staff)

Wednesday is our all-age day, when we welcome younger children accompanied by their parent/carer after school

We offer a range of activities to hopefully suit all young people, including arts and crafts, sports and games, and a chill zone for relaxing and chatting. Our team are friendly and supportive, and great a making everyone feel very welcome and included. We also make lots of toast!

We also run our MiniZone baby and toddler group on Wednesday mornings, 9.30am til 11.30am. A very friendly, supportive group for families with little ones. Come along for a coffee and a chat while the babes play and get cuddled by “Nanny Biscuits” (Victoria).

On Friday or Monday morning’s you can sometimes find Victoria working at the allotment along the path from the cafe - she welcomes any help with the digging and weeding, so please make contact with her if you can help!

Please also check out our Instagram @pavilioncommunitycafe and Facebook - these are updated almost daily!

We run a Saturday morning Football Club - this is run by Harry and his helper Logan, and supported by a grant received from CT10 Parochial Charity. We have a Tots & Parents session for children age 3-5 at 9am til 9.45am, suggested £2 per child, and then we welcome 6-13 year olds at 10-11am, suggested £1 per child, for training and a match. The cafe is open for drinks and light snacks (sweets and sometimes bacon sarnies!)

There’s no need to book these sessions, just turn up! We have spare boots and shin pads too, please ask if you need any. And we now have our very own Pavilion Football Club official T-shirt! £5 each (children’s sizes).

Enquire at the cafe for more details, or on our Instagram @pavilion.fc, or call Victoria on 07963226275

Harry also runs 1-2-1 football training sessions after school during the week - please contact him direct on 07731867044

Finally, and importantly, our local Councillors hold their monthly surgery at the cafe on the 2nd Saturday of each month, 10-11am. No need to book, just turn up for a chat with Jenny and Jo about any local concerns or issues you may have - they are here to help and guide.


 Our Youth Club aims to:

 ·      Provide a safe, happy, warm and stimulating environment for all young people to play, learn and develop freely.

 ·  Help young people to develop responsibility for themselves and their actions and to become competent, confident,       independent  and co-operative individuals.

 ·      Encourage young people to have a positive attitude and respect for both themselves and other people.

 ·      Offer inclusive services that are accessible to all young people in the community.

 ·     Undergo regular monitoring and evaluation of our services to ensure that the Club continues to meet the needs of young people.

Children and Young people aged 0-16 welcome.

Enquiries to Victoria Suchak,  Manager, phone: 07963226275

We would like to thank all our funders who have supported us this year - their grants make a huge difference to us, allowing us to deliver a wide range of activities for all the children, young people, and families of our local community:

Kent Community Foundation

The Education People/Holiday Activity and Food Fund

Colyer Fergusson Charitable Trust


Broadstairs & St Peter’s Town Council

Local Giving/Magic Little Grants

Broadstairs Business Club

Thanet Business Network

CT10 Parochial Charity

Active Kent

Kent County Council Member Grants

Thanet Wanderer’s Rugby Club Ladies Team

Admiral Aviation

Holy Trinity Church Broadstairs

Thanet Lotto

And of course everyone who donates privately, fundraises on our behalf, or pops a few coins in our collection box!


We are very happy to publish our Annual Report for 2023 (March 2023 to Feb 2024)

Please click on this link: Annual Report 2023-24.docx

We are a beneficiary (nominated local cause) of the Thanet Lotto - for each £1 ticket sold we get 50p - over the past 7 years we’ve received over £2600 from ticket sales! Click on this link to sign up, and chose us as your local cause!

Testimonials, Feedback, & Survey Comments

Justin Wanstall, Youth Hub Delivery Manager, Early Help and Preventative Services, Quarterdeck Youth Centre Margate. May 2024:

I have known Victoria who has managed The Pavilion Youth Cafe for many years. The last 10 years in my role as a Youth Hub Deliver Manager for Kent County Council, I have worked with the project very closely and supported them as a Commissioned provider until March 2023. In this time I have always found their work with families and young people to be outstanding, with service users at the heart of everything they do and deliver.

They have been key strategic partner and have worked as part of Thanet’s Multi Agency Partnerships to support the Contextual Safeguarding work in the District. Always willing and able to support important initiatives. The Youth Café is a buzzing, vibrant and welcoming place where young people can take part in fun and exciting opportunities and has become a safe space where young people and families can seek support , information , advice and guidance along with refreshments and a lovely slice of cake 😊

Despite many financial challenges Victoria and her team faced, they always find a way to keep providing these important services for the Community. The project is kind, caring , compassionate and welcoming.

This project will always have a special place in my heart and I wish the project every success in the future.


Andrew Pendlebery, Youth Worker/Officer 1984 to 2024, Quarterdeck Youth Centre, Margate:

The Zone Youth Club Broadstairs @ The Pavilion Youth & Community Café, has for many years delivered an excellent programme of positive activities for the young people of Thanet. Through sports, creative arts, information, advice and guidance, they welcome all young people into their Youth Club. Their programme is always challenging, educational and fun with the ideas coming from the Youth Club members.

The staff run wonderful and popular holiday programmes which keep young people occupied and out of trouble.

They have young people referred into them from Social Services, Early Help and Youth Services. They have an impressive track record of welcoming these young people at risk and turning their lives around.

As well as an amazing array of activities Victoria and her Youth Work Team offer one to one sessions supporting young people.

The Youth Club provides free food for young people who often come to the centre hungry.

Victoria has developed excellent Multi Agency Partnerships and has invited outside agencies such as Kent Police and We Are With You(Drugs, Gangs) to deliver sessions to Young People.

Victoria has always supported Kent County Events such as Kent Youth County Council Elections and Kent Try Angle Awards.  They also deliver a highly successful Duke Of Edinburgh Award Scheme which gives Young People a recognised National Qualification. 

The Zone Youth club is a centre of excellence which has welcomed and supported all Young People and their families that engage with them.

They involve the whole community in trying to improve the quality of young people’s lives and as well as having fun they educate young people so they can make better and more informed choices.

Thank You Victoria and the Youth Work Team, long may your success continue


Quote Source: Facebook (parent)

The Pavilion was the perfect set up for my 2 when younger. They were at that stage where they were too old for childminders, but too young to be left alone after school. The Pavilion provides the ideal alternative. Victoria set up Bikeability training when there weren't enough places offered at the school, she offers D of E, when it wasn't offered by the school. It provides opportunities to those who would otherwise miss out.

Victoria and her team, and The Pavilion are the glue for our community. They provide a safe space for everyone.

Quote Source: Session feedback (young person)

The summer was amazing! We had really funny moments….we laughed a lot…..we met new people and we played. We can see the progress we make with you. Some kids are better at sports now, but me - I’m better at art now! You helped me, thank you very much!

Quote Source: Messenger (parent)

My son is 10 years old and has joined the football group every Saturday morning for the past year. He really enjoys the range of activities set up by the coaches and we all appreciate that the session is run to encourage the children to be active and appreciate the game. The fact that it is not competitive outside of the session is a real bonus - the disappointment/pressure of winning or losing can have a huge impact on youngsters with anxiety or those that just don’t have the ‘professional football’ skill set of their peers. We love the pavilion sessions for this!
As a parent I feel that my son being part of the pavilion from a young age means that he is growing up knowing there is a safe place he can go if he needs it as he becomes a teenager. He knows that the Pavilion team are trained in mental health as well as being a caring and great bunch of people.
As a family we love and appreciate the support the Pavilion offers. I really value the chats and warm welcome whenever we pop in. As a working parent I don’t get those social connections at the school gates each day - meeting other parents at the Pavilion during football and the school holidays means a lot to me too.

Quote source: Session evaluation (staff)

Communication and encouragement in the football game was excellent. It was great to see confident players encouraging the less confident ones. Everyone enjoyed themselves, respected others, worked well as a group, and learned new specific skills.

Quote Source: Facebook (parent)

The Pavilion Youth & Community Cafe has become an integral part of our family life….. If we didn’t have the Pavilion I would be concerned my children would be more at risk of danger whilst trying to socialise with their friends outside of school. They would be more vulnerable to gangs, drugs, crime etc. The holiday club has given them a safe place to socialise, with support as well as the opportunity to do activities they wouldn’t normally be able to e.g. after school club, football sessions, arts and crafts, residential trips, trips to London, drama and theatre groups, arts Awards, and toddler morning to name just a few. They have lunch provided and we have also used the surplus foods available. One of my children has an Autism diagnosis and she was able to attend the residential trip with her sister and the support of familiar people - she felt unable to attend the school residential as she's so anxious. This was a huge achievement for her. She in particular has developed so many personal skills and has become very independant, I don't believe she would be as confident as she is now without her being able to access their services regularly. The staff are wonderful and we truly would be lost without the Pavilion

Quote source: Feedback (young person):

I love this place! The staff are really nice, I love doing sports with Harry and Marcus. The food is really good too - they have snacks for everyone, and in the holidays we get a free lunch!

Quote source: Session evaluation (staff)

2 sessions - Life Drawing, and Textiles. Everyone created their own individual pieces, demonstrating making choices, problem-solving, and learning new skills. There was a definite increase in knowledge, everyone tried new techniques.

Quote source: Messenger (parent)

My children have benefitted from some of your activities - Bikeability cycle training being the main one. We love that you are there, with activities and designated adults, this is such a great resource for the community.

We would be sad if you weren't here, even as casual visitors we have enjoyed your activities, the kids have loved your food and the social aspect of the Pavilion

Quote source: Session evaluation (staff)

Aim of session was to write up Arts Awards books for assesment. Prompt sheets were used to help. We discussed how to write reviews, discussed their experiences of doing the award, and helped each other with their notes. I set a challenge with a small prize for the “most achieved” in the next 2 weeks. This really motivated the group. The prompt sheets also helped keep the conversation flowing. Everyone really concentrated well throughout the session. Benefits of the session included listening, discussion, helping each other.

Quote source: Survey Jan-April 2024

Individual adult: Makes a difference in the community, especially for older people. Nowhere else nearby There are no facilities for both the young and old anywhere near, especially as there are no buses. Hoping someone sees sense and continues funding this vital service to the community.

Individual adult: This is a wonderful resource which we (the community) are very fortunate to have. The youth support aids young people being on the street and therefore finding inappropriate alternate things to do. At this moment of writing this place is being used by 6 senior citizens all chatting and fighting isolation. This resource helps the whole community and it's support for the youth in the area is second to none/

Parent: The safe environment and supportive staff provided a vital space where my child can learn to communicate with peers and grow in confidence. The holidays club gives us a place to explore new skills and activities without costing too much money. The staff understands my child need and provides support and guidance to help them grow and develop their skills and abilities while allowing them to have fun and feel apart of the community. This service is a lifeline for me and my son and and it’s the perfect space for him to make friends while supported by the staff that understand his need as a child with Autism.

Adult attendee: If this facility is forced to close it will not only affect the children and young people but will be a sad loss for the older people too. Especially as there are no other facilities nearby that offer friendship and a place to combat loneliness.

Parent: Wonderful staff. Kind, caring endlessly patient. An absolutely incredible community resource.

Adult attendee: The service that the Pavilion provides is extremely important for many children and elderly people. It is a place where like can meet like, where company is offered for all ages - extremely important at this time of fractured families and lonely people.

Parent: It’s wonderful to have this cafe and know that some children/families have somewhere to go in need of food or support

Parent: Fantastic to have the Pavilion here for the local young people - really is a beacon for the community. Football is great too!


Quantitative – Our most recent survey of Pavilion clients across all sessions shows:

100% of clients said The Pavilion makes a positive difference to young people

98% of clients said The Pavilion makes a positive difference to the community

100% of clients said The Pavilion’s sessions and services are high quality

83% of clients said if The Pavilion were to close, they would be unable to find another service locally offering the same opportunities and support.

95% of clients who have young people participating in The Pavilion’s children holiday programme said it is enjoyable and useful

Make a donation.

If you would like to donate, please use our contactless payment, give cash at the cafe, or click: